I use this weblog to publish and share working drafts of academic articles and presentations, on which I am currently working. I try to grant transparency and access to the processes of academic writing, which are usually hidden from sight, and symbolically occur in the "backstages" of academic life. The idea is to shift the logocentric focus from product (article or publication), to process (composing, writing).
The motivation for this decision lies in critical thought, and concerns democratizing academically produced knowledge through exposing/unveiling the processes that are involved in these procedures. For more on the background of "collaborative writing" please see my academic homepage (chaimnoy.com).
In the capacity of democratizing the processes of knowledge construction in academia, weblog interface comes very useful because it enables not only to expose my academic drafts, but also to share them and to allow readers to suggest comments, notes, critiques and additions. For me, this move too undermines the way the construction of academic knowledge is thought of, which is basically in tern of the "intellectual," who is engaged in writing in solitude.
לאחר הסרת מספר טקסטים מן הבלוג ("פה יש חלל/פה היו טקסטים")ד
אפשר לומר בצורה פואטית שיש כאן מתח
בין אינטרסים של קהל הקוראים (מדומיין ו/או מצומצם ככל שיהיה) ובין האינטרסים של הקולגות שלי